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When To Look For Therapy?

Dec 13, 2024 | WT Talk, Therapy, Video

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Taking care of our mental health is important, but how do you know that you are moving into a time when you need to seek therapy?

Leslie and Jamal from WT Talk have you covered!

Check out this episode of WT Talk to learn about what to look for in a therapist is from special guests Justina Lambert, LPC and Michelle Moore, LCSW.


Hi, my name is Leslie and I’m Jamal and welcome to WT Talk. I want to introduce today to licensed therapists. Hello, I’m Justina Lambert and I’m an LPC here at Western Tidewater.

Hi, I’m Michelle Moore. I’m an LCSW here at Western Tidewater. And today we’ll be talking about finding the right therapist for you.

So another quick question. How does a client use past experience such as like maybe negative experiences to choose the best therapist for them? So also, I want to say clients don’t have to come in with some kind of negative experience in order to receive therapy. Clients come into therapy for a variety of different needs.

It could be something in the past, something negative. That’s what we usually know about in terms of like social media. But sometimes clients are coming in because they’re going through a transition.

It could be, you know, hey, I want to try to figure out what I want to do about my job. Sometimes clients come in because they just are in a space where they’re feeling like, all right, I want to take myself, my life, something to the next level. So maybe there’s a question that they’re trying to answer for themselves.

So it doesn’t have to be like some kind of like past negative thing, even though we do work with clients who have those same needs.

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